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vigna radiata造句

"vigna radiata"是什么意思  
  • Study on the effects of cadmium on the growth of vigna radiata seedling
  • Effect of pre-imbibition on the desiccation-tolerance of imbibed vigna radiata seeds
  • The effects of uv-b on vigna radiata, glycine max and vigna angularis
  • 1 . characteristic properties of the plasma membrane h +-atpase 3-d-old seedlings of etiolated mung bean ( vigna radiata l ) were harvested and the hypocotyls ( 1-2 cm in length ) under hook were used to prepare the plasma membrane vesicles by means of aqueous two-phase partition
  • It's difficult to see vigna radiata in a sentence. 用vigna radiata造句挺难的
如何用vigna radiata造句,用vigna radiata造句vigna radiata in a sentence, 用vigna radiata造句和vigna radiata的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。